New Zealand War Graves in Italy

Tombe militari neozelandesi in Italia

La 2^ Divisione neozelandese, che combatté in Italia durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale, era una forza di 20.000 uomini dei quali più di 2000 persero la vita. Le loro tombe sono distribuite in tutta la penisola, dalla Puglia al Friuli-Venezia Giulia. La maggior parte dei soldati sono sepolti nei cimiteri di guerra del Commonwealth vicino ai campi di battaglia nelle regioni dell’Abruzzo (Torino di Sangro e Moro River), del Lazio (Cassino), della Toscana (Arezzo e Firenze) e dell’Emilia-Romagna (Cesena, Forlì e Faenza). Ci sono anche le tombe di Neozelandesi che servirono con la Royal Air Force o la Royal Navy.


Among the places of interest along the trail of the 2nd New Zealand Division are the Commonwealth War Cemeteries. Most are graves of men of the Division, and are generally located close to the battlefields of Abruzzo, Lazio, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.  There are also graves of New Zealanders who had served with the Royal Air Force or the Royal Navy, escaped prisoners of war, and of those (like engineers and gunners) supporting other Divisions. These graves are scattered all over Italy. Others are near the hospital towns of Bari, Caserta, and Udine, or garrison areas.

Most Commonwealth War Cemeteries are always open, and inside or near the entrance one usually finds a visitors’ book, and a register with the full list of those buried there (including home address, former occupation, and regiment) and a map showing the layout of the graves. An engraved plaque at the entrance informs the visitor that the land was gifted by the Italian people in gratitude to their liberators.  In the centre stands a large cross, the graves set out in neat lateral rows and blocks, separated by flowers and shrubs. Nationalities are normally kept together and can be distinguished by their regimental insignia.

Sangro River Cemetery
Florence War Cemetery
Faenza War Cemetery

The main cemeteries in terms of numbers of New Zealand graves are: Torino di Sangro and Moro River Cemeteries (Abruzzo); Cassino (Lazio); Arezzo and Florence War Cemeteries (Tuscany); and Cesena, Forli and Faenza War Cemeteries (Emilia Romagna).

Below is the full list of War Cemeteries in Italy where there are New Zealand graves:

Ancona War Cemetery (Ancona Province)

Anzio War Cemetery and Beach Head War Cemetery (Anzio, Roma Province)

Arezzo War Cemetery (Arezzo Province)

Assisi War Cemetery (Perugia Province)

Bari War Cemetery (Bari Province)

Bologna War Cemetery (Bologna Province) 

Caserta War Cemetery (Caserta Province) 

Cassino War Cemetery (Frosinone Province)

Catania War Cemetery (Catania Province) 

Cesena War Cemetery (Forli Province)

Coriano Ridge War Cemetery (Rimini Province)

Faenza War Cemetery (Faenza Province) 

Florence War Cemetery (Jacopo al Girone, Firenze Province) 

Foiano Della Chiana War Cemetery (Arezzo Province) 

Forli War Cemetery (Forli Province) 

Gradara War Cemetery (Pesaro Province) 

Milan War Cemetery (Milano Province)

Moro River Canadian War Cemetery (Ortona, Chieti Province) 

Naples War Cemetery (Napoli Province)  

Padua War Cemetery (Padova Province) 

Ravenna War Cemetery (Ravenna Province)

Rome War Cemetery (Roma Province)

Salerno War Cemetery (Pontecagnano, Salerno Province)

Sangro River War Cemetery (Torino di Sangro, Chieti Province)

Syracuse War Cemetery(Siracusa Province)

Udine War Cemetery (Udine Province)


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